The life of a woman artist hitting her stride!

Posts tagged “LaVerkin Overlook

“Something In The Wind”, 24 x 36 inch oil painting for Sears Gallery show.


Value paintings for my 5 x 5 Project

My 5 x 5 Project

There are now FIVE weeks to “show time”. The last FIVE paintings that I sold left room for five NEW paintings to take their place for the four artist storytelling art show at Dixie College’s Sears Gallery in June. FIVE paintings x FIVE weeks = a new adventure in painting. I pulled FIVE ideas out of the idea pile and began last week to prepare them for painting. First I planned each new painting in a small drawing in my sketchbook. Secondly, I transferred the image to the painting surface. I did this by either by tracing an enlarged blueprint of my small drawing onto the paint surface or using a grid to redraw my design to size. Last night I began the painting. Yee-Haw! Of course, the quality of the painting will be the determining factor as to whether it makes it into the show, but, the next cactusFIVE weeks will be an “artist’s ride”!